Author: Celeste Hirschman

Celeste Hirschman, M.A. is the co-creator of the Somatica® Method, and the co-founder of the Somatica Institute. She trains coaches and has her own private practice in San Francisco.

As an author, she has written multiple academic articles in peer-reviewed journals and three books: Confidence, Making Love Real, and Coming Together.

Sex coach holding a fan of dollar bills as her salary

How Much Do Sex Coaches Make? A Guide to Sex Coach Salaries

Becoming a sex coach changed my life completely. Before I embarked on this new career and started earning a proper sex coach salary, I was working in a research center, making about $36,000 a year. Once I started my coaching practice, I was seeing clients on evenings and weekends while still tending to my full-time…

6 Top Earning Therapist Specialties in 2025

6 Top Earning Therapist Specialties in 2025

Most people pursue a career in therapy to help others and fulfill a sense of purpose. Unfortunately, it’s hard to pay rent with purpose alone. While demand for therapists and mental health practitioners is increasing, not every specialty is a ticket to a well-paying job. As more people realize the importance of mental health and…

12 In-demand Sex Therapist Skills in 2025 and Beyond

12 In-demand Sex Therapist Skills in 2025 and Beyond

There’s a lot that goes into attaining the highest level of sex therapist skills: being an attentive listener, responding with empathy and compassion, providing a sex-positive and non-judgemental safe space. These might sound like abilities you’re either born with or you’re not, but in fact, it’s absolutely possible to develop them. Upgrading your sex therapist…

8 Couples Therapy Exercises To Build Intimacy

8 Couples Therapy Exercises To Build Intimacy

Experienced couples coaches and therapists know that intimacy building is a teachable skill. With the right techniques in your toolbox, you can help bring couples closer. But because every couple is different, the more couples therapy exercises you have available, the more likely you are to have something that works for every unique situation. The…

Top 3 Most Rewarding Careers for People Seeking a Professional Change

Top 3 Most Rewarding Careers for People Seeking a Professional Change

Having a sense of purpose is a fundamental human need when it comes to life satisfaction – and there are few places where that’s more true than at work. If you look at a list of the most rewarding careers, it’s never the ones that pay the most or come with the most power —…

Nonbinary people with their pronouns

7 Steps to Creating a Nonbinary and Trans-Inclusive Coaching Practice

In the therapeutic and coaching communities, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of nonbinary and trans inclusivity when working with individuals of diverse gender identities. At the same time, there has also been a strong social and political backlash against transgender and nonbinary folks. Hundreds of laws have recently been written to…

Retroactive Jealousy: Triggers and How to Overcome Them

Retroactive Jealousy: Triggers and How to Overcome Them

Facing jealousy is a common occurrence in a relationship. Yet, there is another kind that is less understood and rarely talked about: retroactive jealousy. This type of jealousy involves fixating on a partner’s past relationships or experiences, causing distress and anxiety in the present. It can be a challenging emotion to navigate, but understanding its…